Cutlery Stainless Steel
We have a selection of Cutlery.

Gold cake fork R2

Gold knives R2

Gold forks R2

Gold dessert spoon R2

Gold teaspoons R2

Rose gold knives R2

Rose gold forks R2

Rose gold dessert spoon R2

Rose gold teaspoons R2

Rose gold cake fork R2

Pizza cutter R5

Knives s/steel R1.50

Forks s/steel R1.50

Dessert spoon s/steel R1.50

Soup spoon s/steel R1.50

Teaspoons s/steel R1.50

Fish knives s/steel R1.50

Fish fork s/steel R1.50

Steak knives R2.00

Snail fork s/steel R1.50

Parfait spoon s/steel R2

Cheese Knive s/steel R3

Cake forks s/steel R1.50

Salad Set s/steel R5

Tongs s/steel R5

Serving spoon s/steel R5

Spatula s/steel R5

Cake Knife s/steel R10

Cake lifter s/steel R10

Sugar Spoon s/steel R1.50

Soup ladles various from R5

Carving knife R5

Carving fork R5

Braai tongs R5

Salad spoon R3

Plastic salad set R6

square serving spoon R5

Multi purpose Tongs R5

Ice cream scoop R5

Assorted items in store
Terms & Conditions Apply
We require proof of residence, ID & a deposit when placing orders. Late or dirty items are charged per item per day.
Trading hours: (No exceptions)
Monday- Friday 8am to 4:30pm.
Sat 8am to 1pm.
Sundays- Public holidays: closed
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@ 185 Leeuwpoort Str, Boksburg South
011 917 8353 |